Monday, April 14, 2008

Illustration Friday-SAVE

Ok, it's been a REALLY long time since I've entered anything for Illustration Friday. Even tho the last time I did, I got some truly awesome feedback. Maybe I'm just procrastinating, but I've got this list up on my wall. Every week I add the latest "topic" from IF to it. And it just keeps growing...and growing. The kicker is, I didn't even include the all the weeks I've missed! I just started fresh from January. So, how many of you out there actually post to IF each week? And if you post often, how often do you actually create original work just for the IF topic? I guess I'm just showing up as a lazy illustrator. Not lazy, just BUSY really. So I'll be honest..the image I'm posting here I did a while back, but it fits the "Save" topic so there! And as for all you prolific illustrators out there who dutifully publish original work for 25 blogs a week, my hat is off to you! Send some of that super-creative Karma my way, huh? Oh, and I promise that from now on if I look at your illustration or site, I'll post a comment. It's the least I can do. I believe in the universal law of reciprocation!

Thanks for listening! Liz


Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

Hey there Liz... I just wanted to thank you for visiting my website. I think your style is awesome and I love that you're a hoosier. (My husbands one of those) :)

Way to be a fabulous illustrator

Unknown said...

Thanks, Meridth! You see? The Karma thing works! :)) Keep on drawing, girlfriend!

ed said...

Very nice illustration!
I want to have a similar money box, it's fabulous!!!